Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Things I no longer do (and am simultaneously both appalled yet don't give a fuck).

wash hair
I skip my teeth once or twice a week. Although brushing doesn't do them any good. I inherited bad teeth. Well, what teeth I have left
clean house--not including dishes, trash or cat boxes, because they smell. Eww.
leave the house (except to get mail late at night with my coat on over my pajamas)
sleep at night
anything productive
answer the phone (wait, that I never do if I don't know who it is, or, rather, do know. *ahem*)
plan for the future
wash my face
get dressed
I skipped all my pills last night, not on purpose, I just didn't feel like coming upstairs to get them and picking up where we left off on our post-stove explosion fight.
I do take an anti-depressant and and anti-anxiety.
Actually, all in total, I have 8 prescriptions. No, 10, but two of those are asthma inhalers. A steroid and a rescue. I can't afford the steroid one right now.

So how do I present myself to the world? Online and via social media, my only interactions with other people 99% of the time? I fake it. I save everything dark and dirty for this blog, otherwise it would leak out to other aspects of my life. (Or maybe I'm not covering up as well as I should?) Who knows.

I don't post anything like the above on any social media. Indeed, I just read an article in TIME magazine about the new Facebook Timeline. It's a real information-gathering machine. I spent about an hour locking down my FB account. Everything is friends only. You can't even ask to be my friend if I don't already know you or are a friend of a friend. Yeah, I'm private. Find the article and read it. It's hella scary.

I took an Ambien (oops, that makes 11 prescriptions), and I'm going to stream a Netflix while I wait for it to kick in. *fingerscrosseditworks*

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