Monday, February 13, 2012

The Stove: Huh

I got up at 7am today, although I was awake from 6am on forward. My husband got a snow advisory that work would begin after 10am, so he got to sleep in a bit. It was snowing here, but had melted within 20 minutes. Too bad. I'm really hoping for a whopping huge blizzard and it just hasn't come yet.

So anyway, I sliced a bagel and put it in the toaster, only it wouldn't turn on. Now yesterday, like I always do on Sundays, I made my husband a week's worth of meals for while he's working out of town (there's nowhere to eat where he works, and it's just cheaper, also). Since the stove was out, I used the crock pot to make Martha Stewart's Soy-Ginger Chicken. It's quite good, I've made it many times over the years. The rice I made in the microwave following directions I printed off the net.

Urgh, notsomuch. Very rubbery and hard. He's going to hate it. Oh well.

But back to the toaster. The stove, really. The other night when he blew it up, he was pacing fro the kitchen to the dining room (an L shape) and back, hitting himself in the head (he hits himself when he's upset), moaning and whining about "Oh no! Oh shit!" and how he'd fucked up, what an asshole he was, and he "needed to check the breaker." Since the breakers are in the kitchen, and he was whining about them, I took that to mean that he had checked them.


When I couldn't toast my bagel, I checked the wall breaker panel right by the light switch to the kitchen and what do you know? Two breakers were flipped. I turned them back on and the toaster AND the stove both work. Huh. How about that.


I emailed my husband to let him know that the stove was working--the breakers were off! His response?

"I know. I turned them off. I was afraid the stove would overheat."


Seriously, abso-fucking-lutely NO communication going on here.
Jesuz just kill me now.


I got up early yesterday (Monday), felt great, got a lot of work done including some calls with new clients (I hate talking on the phone), then thought I'd take a little nap at 2pm. I woke up at 2am. Yeah, no weird sleep pathology going on here. *fuckme*

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